Friday, March 25, 2011

Table of Contents

Author’s note


Chapter 1 – What Does “Love” Mean To God?

Chapter 2 – The Greatest Commandment

Chapter 3 – 1 Corinthians 13: “The Love Chapter”

Chapter 4 – Biblical Examples Of Love

Chapter 5 – Love = No Fear

Chapter 6 – Putting Love to Work: Am I AWOL?

Chapter 7 - In summation: “Love is the Answer”



Saturday, March 12, 2011

Some will question

"Someone will undoubtedly make the objection that because I am not a theologian, I am really not qualified to address this subject. If I need to defend myself against such objection…I think it should be good enough to point out that all of us have the obligation to do whatever we are able to do to promote the welfare of our fellowman." ~~ William Wilberforce

Awol Christians teaser

AWOL military personnel are no longer acting in accordance with the prime directive of their branch of the military. They are not in good standing with their commanders and have forfeited the rights and privileges of their rank and position in that branch of service. They are Absent WithOut Leave.

As soldiers in the army of Christ, we too have a prime directive. As with military personnel, if we Christians neglect the commands of our Leader and do not act in accordance with the prime directive to love one another, we can no longer be considered in good standing with our Commander, Father God. We forfeit rights and privileges promised us in the covenant God made with man. We then are considered AWOL as Christians (Acting WithOut Love).

Let A.W.O.L. Christians help you explore the agape love of God and guide you to the "love walk" God desires and expects.

Kindle giveaway!!


Participating authors in a writer's group that I belong to are giving away a Kindle on May 15 th. You have a very good chance of winning. To enter the drawing, you can either order two books from me, or have a book signing party or event. Invite me to speak for your civic club, church group, library, or other group ...and you will be entered.


2 copies of The Stakes Are High = $22;

1 copy of The Stakes Are High and one preorder for AWOL Christians = $30.

For a preorder of one copy of AWOL Christians ($19.95) I will give you a Kindle entry!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Keep checking back for news on my latest book:
A.W.O.L. (Acting WithOut Love) Christians.